Our Pension Anomaly case, bearing No. WP(C)10019/2017, was listed in Court No 4 at Item 7, in Delhi High Court under "After Notice Misc Matters " before Hon'ble Mr Justice Vipin Sanghi & Hon'ble Mr Justice A K Chawla on 08-02-2019.
Our turn came after lunch at about 3:00 PM.
The Hon'ble court heard advocates of both sides for about half an hour .
Today our case was " part heard " and further time was not available since the Hon'ble Judges were to attend some other Special Bench.
Next Date of Hearing is fixed on 18.07.2019 after about five months.
We are hopefull that the case shall get completed on 18.07.2019 in the High Court.
::: Regards. R L Kapoor